With tradition, experience and passion for chemical-technical products.

We DEVELOP for your product idea or improve your formulations.
Let us PRODUCE your product. With your or our raw materials.
We can FILL your product into almost any container.
We develop and DESIGN saleable labels, cardboard boxes etc. for you...
We PACKAGE for you. If you wish, we can support your product to the point of sale.
Always on schedule, reliable and smooth: Our LOGISTICS operation.


Our profession is chemical-technical products from liquid to high paste form. We manage the entire process chain from development to production, filling, packaging and assembling, and logistics. We employ highly qualified and committed employees in all of these areas. We are environmentally responsible  and ensure that our products and processes are sustainable.

News from CTA GmbH

Everything important at a glance

Contract filling in the USA: Your contacts

Especially in the current global situation, it is crucial to be able to count on reliable partners. With many years of experience, our team of experts, and our modern technique, we guarantee you the highest quality and efficiency.

First down packing in the US: Exclusive insight!

Diese Woche war Mike Roger aus der USA bei uns, um sein Training im Bereich Maschinentechnik und Abfüllung von chemisch-technischen Produkten zu intensivieren. Er erwarb tiefgreifende Einblicke in der Abfüllung von 1K- und 2K-Produkten.

An overview of CTA figures

CTA GmbH – Über 300 treue und zufriedene Kunden
More than 300 loyal and satisfied customers
CTA GmbH – Weltweite Lieferungen in aktuell 66 Länder
Currently deliver to 66 countries worldwide
CTA GmbH – Über 7.000 Einzelaufträge im Jahr
More than 7,500 individual orders per year
CTA GmbH – Handling von über 980 Füllgüter
Handling of more than 300 filling goods
CTA GmbH – Über 1.500 aktive Produktionsartikel
More than 1,500 active production articles
CTA GmbH – 2022 insgesamt 29 Mio. abgefüllte Einheiten
A total of 29 million units filled in 2023
CTA GmbH – 3.800 m² Produktionsfläche und 38 Abfüllanlagen
3,800 m² production area and 38 filling machines
CTA GmbH – Über 3.600 Lagerstellplätze
More than 3,600 pallets storage area

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